Crocheted Birthday Present Ideas

Winter birthdays.

My mom, my sister, and my Grandpa were all born in the winter. So were a few of my friends, as well as teachers and other people whom I somehow know.

With all of those birthdays, I need a lot of present ideas. Since I love to crochet, my goal is to create a crocheted birthday gift for every person I know, when their birthday rolls around. That's probably not the best idea that I've ever had - I'm assuming that it's going to be pretty time-consuming - but I think that it will also be a lot of fun.

Would you like to take the "Crocheted Gifts" challenge? If so, let me know below! I'll be keeping an updated list. Then, when you've created a crocheted gift, you can send a picture to me through the comments, and I might just post it on a blog post! (Haha, post it on a post :P)

I've missed my sister's and my grandpa's birthdays for this year, so I'll give them a crocheted gift next time. My mom's birthday is in a few days - the 28th, I think - and I've been working on her gifts. They are:

1) Love inspired suspense (she enjoys to read). Yes, I know that this isn't crocheted, but it's like a small gift along with the actual gift - a co-gift, if you will.

Round Scrubbie
2) Scrubbies! Never heard of them? You must try them out. My mom, my grandma, and my dad all love them. You can use them to clean pretty much anything from dishes to cars! I found a great pattern from this website on how to make a cute circular scrubby! It's a super-easy pattern, but it turns out looking pretty cool. Here's a pattern that I use (I mainly just made it up as I went along, with some help from my grandma):

Materials needed:
Scrubby Material (I don't know the exact name, but I believe that it's like craft netting.)
Size K hook (anywhere between I and K are good sizes)

Scrubby material
Instructions: Chain 12. *Double-crochet in each stitch across. Turn, chain 3* until about 4 inches tall. You can chain more at the beginning to make it wider, or crochet for more than 4 inches to create a wider scrubby.

Square Scrubbie

The next birthday that's coming up is in May (or is it April?), but I'll be posting much before then. Check back soon for Valentine's Day crochet projects!

And again, please let me know if you're interested in the Crocheted Gifts challenge! Can't wait to see what you creative people create!



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